CLIENT: Outwood Grange Academies Trust
LOCATION: Easingwold, North Yorkshire
VALUE: £2 million

Working directly for the Client, we were appointed from an early stage undertaking condition surveys through to the delivery of full detailed design and Contract Administrator duties during installation for the full Mechanical and Electrical services renewal at the main school building.
The existing services were in poor condition throughout, many of these being original to the 1950s building. All services including heating, domestic water, lighting, LV distribution and small power have been renewed under the installation. The distribution of services has been a particular challenge, given that existing service distribution ducts could not be reused due to presence of Asbestos.
The project has been carried out is a phased manner to ensure that teaching spaces were available for use through the school term. A phasing strategy was generated in association with the Client to ensure that the main bulk of teaching spaces were completed during the main school holiday. Areas which were less critical to teaching, including office areas, were moved to work phases either side of the school holidays.
Through the replacement of the mechanical and electrical services and release of funding for redecoration, the school has been transformed from a somewhat run down school into a high quality teaching environment.
The project continues into the next phase of works with the planned demolition of the existing Gym facilities and construction of a new AHR-designed Sports Hall building.